All Premium Series


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Do you ship across the globe?

Currently, we are mainly shipping to

  • America
  • Canada

But we look forward to shipping around the world.

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What does the shipping cost?

Shipping costs vary depending upon the destination and can be free at a specific price or due to promotions/occasions.

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How much time will it take to ship?

All packages leave our warehouse. Orders are processed from Monday to Friday. On such days we will process the order within two working days after receiving it, and it will take 10-21 days to be shipped to your doorstep. Orders received over weekends or public holidays will be processed on the next working day.

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What should I do if I have an issue with delay/shipping?

You can contact WD customer care support anytime.

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What courier company is used for shipping?

Your package will be delivered to you through local American couriers

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Is it possible to ship my order to someone else?

If the billing information corresponds to your payment method, orders may be delivered to other addresses.

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How do I follow up on the delivery?

You can check by entering the tracking number of the relevant courier service or contacting our customer support team.